Happy Summer: New Content Is Coming
OMG! It’s summer 2021. I can’t believe how much time has passed. Anyway, I know I keep saying content is coming, but I am really, really wanting to make sure that when I finally add new content that it is amazing and worth reading. New content is coming. I promise.
What Am I Working On?
I have several different things I’m working on, because I want to take this site in a new direction. Additionally, I have become obsessed with YouTube lately. I want to create some YouTube content, but I hate filming myself. Yes, I have a channel. Stay tuned! It turns out that I have facial paralysis. I don’t know if it’s from my jaw surgery over 25 years ago or due to my illness last year, but it is now noticeable when I speak.
Anyway, I will have to get creative. This part also goes into how I am actually spending some of my time these days. I will go into more detail below. As some may know, I have no job, but DIY and spiritual practice helps me not slit my writs.
DIY Projects
So, I have a new page called “DIY.” To be clear, these are practical things. It started simple with trying to upcycle Amazon boxes. These are easy projects and the possibilities are limitless from a pretty storage box to a full table. And best of all, I can do these from my bed. Yeah, I know that sounds bad, but given my illness, it’s practical.
Something that has also become a new passion is cleansing products and self care products. I hope I can also share these. Among these are things like herb pillows to help with sleep, pillows, cushions, and just creating new spaces in my bedroom to help me relax and meditate.
Spiritual Pursuits
I am drawn to bringing my body in better alignment with my spiritual connection with my higher power. Yes, I’m still a religious person. Religion is just a label. I will likely clarify this. However, even this clarification tends to have some snottiness attached to it. Doesn’t all religion?
My spiritual pursuits are related to my DIY projects. As a result, I will soon provide more information regarding both.
I want to make it clear that nothing I am writing is intended to treat any ailments. I am also not ordained or a master of any religion. That being said, it doesn’t mean I can’t follow my own spiritual pursuits.
To sum up, content is coming. I am asking (once again) to please be patient.