
Where the Treasure Is Buried

I know the name “contraband” sounds like something naughty, but it’s not. It’s actually a little less so. It refers more to contraband in the pirate sense of the word. Don’t worry, there’s a little history lesson on this if you missed it. 

One of my favorite things is Amazon Prime Fashion. Did you know that you can actually try clothes, shoes, and accessories on before being charged. You can just return whatever you don’t like. You can even have a stylist provide recommendations every month if you like. 

But I’m also a big fan of Amazon in general, because I’ve gotten to the point to where I don’t want to search through a store like Target or Walmart for what I need when it’s usually cheaper online and I can have it in a couple days. 

So, my contraband section is officially recommending treasures whether it’s clothes or other things that I find valuable. 

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