I’m Finding “My Way” on the Camino de Santiago

My Way 120 Views June 08, 2024 The Cajun Redhead
08 Jun. 2024
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Views: 120

Like many people, 2020 marked a year of great change for me. It marked what I see as the beginning of losses. The hallmark was a serious illness in the middle of the Covid lockdown and being fired from my job three months later.

As Americans, we’re raised with this belief that every loss should be compensated and someone is to blame for well, everything bad that happens to us. It’s never our fault. Right?
Whether it’s the stock market, poverty, war, a global pandemic, or even the price of eggs, we have to blame someone.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.com

The truth is life isn’t fair. People are jerks. People are selfish. People have become very well versed at this “I’m being persecuted for who I am” thing.

I spent my fair share of whining. There were so many times I forgot to be grateful. Yes, when one door closes, somewhere, another opens. I hated my job. It had worn me down so much emotionally and physically. Of course I broke.

Deep down, I’ve always known my child had to grow up and go to college. My grandparents would die. The man I love would disappear.

I just don’t know how or what my next move should be. I thought of many things to do. Maybe I could retrofit my car to travel around. Maybe I could get a van and do the same. The truth is, I hate driving. I want to travel. I want to be somewhere else.

I have a question that needs answered. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I don’t even know the question. I just knew I may find it along the way. Or rather the way of St James, also known as the Camino de Santiago. So, join me as I find my way.

To learn more about the Camino de Santiago or if you’re curious about starting your own journey, please check out these books on Amazon:

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