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What Becomes of a Broken Heart

As Covid-19 became a reality for more and more Americans, another condition seemed to pop up on the horizon: Broken Heart Syndrome.

Everyone seems to think that a broken heart is something that happens when a person loses a loved one or goes. through a breakup. Grief, of course does take on physical manifestations along with depression, weight loss/gain, insomnia, fatigue, skin issues, and a host of mental health difficulties. However, someone can die of a broken heart as in the heart literally breaks.

I actually first heard about this on Grey’s Anatomy in one of the first two seasons (I believe it was a Preston Burke case). I’m sure Meredith said something profound in the narration about heartbreak not being fatal, but it just feels like it is. Anyone who has gone through a breakup or lost a loved one does actually feel that way at times during the grief process.

Broken Heart Syndrome’s medical term is Stress Cardiomyopathy. It presents as chest pain and shortness of breath when someone is going through a great deal of stress or emotional discomfort. It is a catch-all term, because the exact cause is unknown, according to literature published by the website run by the Mayo Clinic. In fact, injury or emotional event is always believed to be the cause.

It seems that usually a small or large artery is constricted temporarily from a surge of stress hormones prior to the event. It has started to become more prevalent with cases of COVID-19, because of the rise of cases and also the number of people grieving.

Broken Heart Syndrome is rarely fatal largely because most of us know to head to the ER when we have chest pains or shortness of breath. Complications can arise if there’s a backup of fluid into the lungs, pulmonary edema, disruptions of the heartbeat, and heart failure. Those who are over 50 and have existing psychiatric disorders should address their concerns with a physician and pay close attention to their symptoms.

Of course, because this is a rare and wacky thing that can cause death, I think whoever had it on Grey’s Anatomy did in fact die. I don’t think it was the same lady whose heart caught on fire.

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